I’m so excited to be working with you in a more structured and personalised way to help you on your journey to becoming a behaviour expert over the coming months.
- Please keep your login information safe as it contains all of your links to access the membership content.
- You’ve taken an important first step towards putting aside your concerns about managing unusual or unpredictable behaviour in class. It will become evident in your professional practice and you’ll be so glad you took the plunge.
- I want to reassure you too that this members group is going to provide with all the training, resources and support you need to get your behaviour management under control.
- People regularly tell me that the level of detail that I go into in my training programmes is so important, and in fact better than they’ve seen anywhere else. It means that even if you consider yourself to be an absolute beginner, and have never had any behaviour management training before… I’ve got you covered inside.
- That includes the technical side of being a member, too. So, even if you don’t believe yourself to be technically minded, don’t panic because I’ll be holding your hand if you need help navigating through the pages. But you’ll find support in the Facebook forum too.
** Check emails for new member benefits and additional links